Whatcha got there, Linda? "You know what it is. It's a dildo! And it's going to go in my pussy. I chose this one at the sex store because it's nice and long and it's my favorite color. I've had a lot of fun with this one."
Is this your only toy or do you have a collection of dildos? "I have all kinds of dildos and vibrators. I like to have many options to choose from depending on the mood I am in. Today, I felt like having something deep in my pussy. So that's why I chose Mr. Purple here. Sometimes I prefer to feel a vibrator on my clit. But no matter which toy I use I always orgasm and squirt all over my sheets. It can get quite messy."
Do you watch yourself masturbate? "Yes. I like to see the dildo going in and out of my pussy. I like to see my juices collect on it and build up all around my hole. It makes me even more turned on to see that. Sometimes I even set up a video camera to record me while I masturbate so I can watch it later. I will send the videos to guys on the Internet, and then they will send me a webcam video of them jacking off to my video. Then I masturbate to them masturbating to me. It's one big cycle!"